Well I've got some late posts again so by way of explanation: currently I'm in this odd situation where I'm doing an unpaid (but potentially career starting) unpaid internship three days a week and a paid (but retail ugh) job another three days a week so my free time has basically vanished, especially during a week like last week where I had a lot of commitments in the evenings.
Aaaaaand the review that's going up tomorrow here/sometime this week on OASG completely kicked my ass and required 800 words of notes/pre-writing and a week to parse it all together, haven't had a review which made me question my reviewing and writing skills in at least three months and that's always fun. I've also developed a frustrating headache today so I'm going to simply push back my missing book review instead of trying to play catch-up this week and stressing myself up even more.
So, for what I did publish this week, I posted the first of my March of Manga posts both here and on OASG, a Crunchyroll title (they all are) called Orange which is a nice little shojo about romance, time-traveling letters, and slice of life friendship. I did have some friends chatter at me about the title after I posted the review so I found out that the series is ending this year at five volumes (sad but not unexpected given the pacing) and that it's actually sold really well in Japan so this isn't because the author has to cancel the series, yay! I'd love print copies of the series but I'll settle for an online copy at this point.
Also in comics, I reviewed the webcomic As the Crow Flies which is about a queer, black, young teen girl coming of age while dealing with a group that hasn't even realized that they don't understand her yet. It's basically everything people say that comics need these days yet I don't see as many people talking about this title. So go read it, it's still a great read if you aren't a queer, black, young teen girl (saying this as someone whose a different kind of queer anyway).