It’s that time guys, time for my big, 2013
wrap up post! As usual I’m going to be talking about all media I consume in one
big post since not only is that just easier for me but also because while some
areas are easy to talk about (like anime) there are a lot of areas where it’s
going to be a little, messy. But I’ll talk about that as I go along! First
though a bit of housekeeping, as people have already noticed I’ve started using
ads on the site, I’m trying to be more diligent about putting in referral links
(should have some to Right Stuf soon, although sadly the reviews that get the
most views are the ones which don’t have a physical release yet), and I’m going
to change it up a bit more next year as well. When I started the site three
years ago the format I chose, breaking everything up into their own sections,
was a good idea since it made me consider multiple parts of the show and often
made it easier to get going while writing. However I feel like I’ve grown past
that point so starting January first I’m going to shift to a more free form style
just like almost everyone else uses, and that will be for everything I review.
Also, I feel like by doing this the infrequent little essays I write, which for
the past year have just been going on my tumblr, will fit in better and I can
post those here as well, just trying to catch up to the rest of the blogging
community since I like what they’re doing and want to be part of it myself.
So, with that out of the way, here’s what my
favorite things of 2013 were!